In New York Harbor, high school students run a long-term project to restore the historically rich oyster reefs that were destroyed long ago by over-fishing and pollution.
By presidential order, oil and gas drilling no longer threatens this incredibly rich fishery in Southwest Alaska.
Against all odds, residents took their case to the highest state court, and they won (produced with Earthjustice).
A new decision by President Obama supports fishermen and local communities that oppose the prospect of offshore oil and gas drilling that would threaten the Southeast Bering Sea’s incredibly rich seafood harvests. In a project sponsored by the Captain Planet Foundation, high-school students in are restoring oyster beds in New York Harbor with a hatchery and artificial reefs that allow oysters to grow, reproduce and colonize new ground, leading eventually to the return of a self-sustaining oyster population. The chronicle of Dryden’s grassroots campaign to ban fracking inside the town’s boundaries, a decision upheld by New York’s highest court (produced with Earthjustice). Making and enforcing policies about hydraulic fracturing are often steeped in politics, but scientists are studying the impact of this drilling process on air, water, and human health – without all the shouting.