With bobwhite quail declining across its range, conservationists restore and manage critical pine savanna habitat for quail and other wildlife.
With bobwhite quail declining across its range, conservationists restore and manage critical pine savanna habitat for quail and other wildlife.
After decades of underfunding, America’s national parks face a backlog of repairs and maintenance now totaling nearly 12 billion dollars. Alarmed by advancing urban sprawl, conservationists in South Carolina rely on the Land and Water Conservation Fund to acquire land needed to protect the natural wonders of a coastal landscape. Researchers in Minnesota are developing perennial food crops that could revolutionize American agriculture.
Managing public lands: the evolution of the Bureau of Land Management and its role in protecting vast areas of federal land across the nation. Saving the bobwhite quail: the first in a series on protecting vital native grassland habitat for a declining species – this story from the pine savannas of South Carolina. Local communities in northern New Mexico press their case for expanding the Pecos Wilderness to protect a watershed essential to a broad landscape stretching into southern Texas. Scientists study how butterflies use an elegantly efficient organ to sip nectar.